The Essential R Reference Book

Our book The Essential R Reference can help you learn R by helping you find the R functions you need to carry out a range of tasks in data analysis, data visualisation and much more. The Essential R Reference is a topic-led R reference book, a cross between a dictionary, glossary and thesaurus for R, using plenty of practical examples.

Essential R is an R reference book that can help you learn data science, and find the tools you need to be using R for data analytics. Essential R is topic-led R reference book; you look for the topic you want and find the R functions you need. Each R function is presented with the essential parameters, making it easier to follow. There are also examples of each R command “in action” so you can gain a better understanding of how the R function works.

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Book Overview - Essential R Reference

The Essential R Reference is a book about data analytics with R and using R for data science. Essential R is an R reference book with a topic-led approach; you look up the topic you want and find the R functions you need. If you are learning about using R for data science, then this approach can help you find what you need.

The Essential R reference book helps you learn R by being a dictionary, glossary and thesaurus for R, with plenty of practical examples. Essential R is an R reference book that can help with R data analysis, with plenty of examples of how to use R functions for a range of data analysis and data visualisation tasks.

If you are learning R and need a data analysis with R book, then Essential R can help you find the R functions you need. Each R function is listed with other related R commands, so you can learn R more completely by finding new ways to accomplish the R data analytics tasks you need.

Essentials Covered in this Book

If you are learning R and need a data analysis with R book, The Essential R Reference can help you find the R functions you need. Essential R is a different kind of R book; learn R essentials in a topic-led manner; look up the topic and find the R commands you need.

Use Essential R to help you learn data analytics with R; each function is shown with examples and presented with the “essential” parameters and examples, making it easier to follow.

The Essential R reference is an R book that covers R essentials grouped in various themes:

  • Math and Statistics.

Use The Essential R Reference to help you learn R for data science by providing you with a topic-led reference. This R book will help you with the R essentials needed for conducting R data analysis and data visualisation. Key highlights include:

  • Topic-based help for using R
  • Examples of usage for R commands
  • Examples for R maths and statistics functions
  • Examples for R data functions
  • Examples for R graphics functions

Essential R can help novice users learn more easily and provide more experienced users with a reference work they can delve into time and time again.

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My Publications

I have written several books on ecology and data analysis

An Introduction to R
Data Analysis and Visualisation
Beginning R: The Statistical
Programming Language
Statistics for Ecologists
Using R and Excel
The Essential R
Managing Data
Using Excel

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