Types of R object – 3. complex numbers
All R objects have a class attribute, which can be important as R “decides” how to deal with objects based upon their class.
You can think of the simple classes as being in different categories:
- Basic: numeric, character or factor
- Logical: TRUE or FALSE
- Complex: A number with real and imaginary parts
Object type: complex
You can make a complex number simply by appending an “imaginary” part to an actual number:
> newvec <- c(1+1i, 2+3i)
> newvec
[1] 1+1i 2+3i
So, R recognises 2+3i for example as a complex number with real part = 2, imaginary part = 3
The class() command shows that the result is complex:
> class(newvec)
[1] "complex"
There are several commands associated with complex numbers:
# The real part of the number > Re(newvec) [1] 1 2 # The imaginary part > Im(newvec) [1] 1 3 # The modulus > Mod(newvec) [1] 1.414214 3.605551 # The argument > Arg(newvec) [1] 0.7853982 0.9827937 # The complex conjugate > Conj(newvec) [1] 1-1i 2-3i
The commands help in dealing with complex numbers. In addition, the elementary trigonometric, logarithmic, exponential, square root and hyperbolic functions are implemented for complex values.
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